It is easy to trust God when all seems to be going well. But how do we relate to God when all turns bad. Will we still hold faith and allow ourselves to believe in him?
The persecution of the early church is similar to the persection that God’s people will go through in the last days. We can learn through these stories how to be prepared.
How is it possible that a man at the very top of the ladder in Jewish Spiritual leadership did not understand the most basic teachings of Jesus? These are ideas that are considered foundational for Christian children but it often …
One of the greatest underdog stories of all time, David and Goliath is heartwarming. What made young David the man that he was?
Many people like to emphasize that you cannot earn your salvation by works, which is absolutely true. We seem to be de-emphasized in the fact that our actions do affect our eternal life. You won’t be saved by your works, …
A faith which fizzles before the finish … had a flaw from the first Auburn SDA Live Stream – February 22, 2020
Our behaviors are derived from our character … which is an expression of our fundamental thinking. Auburn SDA Live Stream – February 15, 2020