The last sermon gave us the great call to evangelistic mission. In that sermon, we coved the why. Why do we do missions? This sermon is about the How. How do we win souls to Christ in our local community …
The last sermon gave us the great call to evangelistic mission. In that sermon, we coved the why. Why do we do missions? This sermon is about the How. How do we win souls to Christ in our local community …
For many of us, the Great Commission has become the Great Omission. Jesus’ final command to His disciples before He left this earth was for us to make disciples. This is the most significant reason for the purpose and existence …
On the cross Jesus said, it is finished. but what was finished? Satan? Sin? The Great Controversy? If all of those were completely finished, wouldn’t we be in heaven? Communion is about celebrating what Christ accomplished on the cross, but …
Jesus always had a secret agenda. In everything, He did He was trying to lead others to Himself. How can we create our Love Ministries in such a way that we can help them transition to the next stage in …
Historically in our nation some of the most unloved were those who were suffering mental health disorders. Often they were viewed as people with incurable diseases and demon possession. We have become more humane in our treatment of the mentally …
Jesus always seemed to know who to reach through His ministry of healing. How did He uses it to move beyond physical health and healing and how can we do the same? Auburn SDA Live Stream – May 15, 2021
Christ spent far more time healing people than preaching. How can we use Jesus as our example and mimic his work as a healer?
The first step in Christ’s method is to mingle. Let’s break that down more and see how Christ did that. Live Worship Service Each Saturday from 9:30am – 12:30pm ET
The first step in Christ’s method is to mingle. Let’s break that down more and see how Christ did that. Auburn SDA Live Stream – April 24, 2021