Racism is not only a bane of our current existance. It was an issue that many of God’s people struggled with throughout the sands of time. Many of God’s people were able to overcome racial prejudice and their unconscious bias. …
In this life, we all make mistakes. Thankfuly God has created a provision that we may have a clean slate and start over. In this sermon, we are going to be learning about God’s atonement and miraculous offering of a …
Stephen preached a sermon that ended costing him his life. The leaders of Israel refused to admit they had made a mistake in killing Jesus. In order to silence the sermon, they put an end to his life. In the …
As the new church was growing rapidly they saw the need to organize. They needed more leaders to manange the growing needs of the the early church. Satan was not happy and wanted to destroy the church with quarreling and …
We never really know where God’s work will take us. We could go from making powerful public preaching and receive praise from the crowd to asbusive persuction facing death row. We should not necessarily come to God’s work with expectations …
One of the most solemn and serious stories in the New Testament, Ananias and Sapphira stand as a great warning to Christians today. Why did God kill them? Is it a sin that some Christians are committing today? We need …
Then Peter and John told the begger that they had no money. He was discouraged because had no hope outside of that. He was confused when they said they offer what they do have. When he was completely healed the …
The disciples experience an amazingly deep experience of connection and fellowship after Pentecost. How can we experience the same?
We have been told that if we wanted the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives we would experience it. Yet, it seems like many of us have a small experience with God’s Holy Spirit. It seems that the …