Understanding the grace of God is the easy part. Truly believe and accepting the grace of God into the soul is the hard part. Today, we focus on God’s redeeming grace.
During this holiday season it is common tradition to talk about the incarnation of Christ. Today we also celebrate baptism. Both are connected with new births. Yet, if you think about it, they are opposite. The incarnation is the act …
God allows destruction to happen to His people. Through drought and grasshoppers, a immense famine begins in the land. After Israel is attacked by their enemies they seek repentance and God forgives them, blesses them, and gives the “former and …
Majoring in the Minors | part 2 – Joel
God allows destruction to happen to His people. Through drought and grasshoppers, a immense famine begins in the land. After Israel is attacked by their enemies they seek repentance and God forgives them, blesses them, and gives the “former and …
There is no such thing as being too thankful and content. Yet, in the consumer-centric world that we live, thankfulness and contentment seem to be an elusive commodity.
Majoring in the Minors | part 1 – Hosea
God’s grace is incomprehensible. It is so profound that we sinners have a hard time understanding it. For this purpose God asked Hosea to act it out in a real-life charades. This reality show is as shocking and painful to …
Jesus considered His disciples to be his closest family members. So it is with our time. Those who are to be closest to us are like minded believers. That means we here to support each other in Christian growth. But …
Many Christians say that people don’t want to hear the gospel truth. I suppose the 12 disciples would have said the same thing in the days of Jesus. Yet, Jesus said, the harvest is pletiful but the laborers are few. …
The sun rises and the sun sets each day the same. It’s easy to become lackadaisical toward our Christian journey. But one important characteristic of all the New Testament leaders of Christianity is that they believed in the urgency of …