People frequently have questions about why some books are in the Bible and other books are not. How do we know what books are truly inspired? These are the questions we aim to answer in this sermon.
There are many stories in the Bible of people that made poor decisions for year, only later to be converted and live for God. This sermon is about “redeeming the time” that was lost and making good spiritual choices.
Follow us in this sermon series as we delve into the Depths of Biblical Understanding. We will unravel the mysteries of revelation and inspiration, traverse the history of the canon, and answer questions relating to the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. Understand …
Jesus repeated encouraged and blessed little children. How can we do that effectively today?
Majoring in the Minors Part 12 – Malachi
God calls people to stop playing church and get ready for the coming Messiah. We are in a similar spiritual position. Christ’s second coming is on the horizon, we similarly need to take our spiritual journey seriously.
Communion is about remembering the “good old days.” It is a time to reflect on what God has already done for us. It is a time to revel in the accomplished salvation offered to us.
Majoring in the Minors | part 10 – Haggai
After Judah has returned from the Babylonian exile, they start to rebuild the temple. After discouragement and distraction set in, sixteen years pass and the project is at a stand still. Haggai give some strong encouragement to reorganize priorities and …
Majoring in the Minors | part 9 – Zephaniah
The Day of the Lord is coming. It will create awe and wonder in all people. But there will be two groups. Those who are in fear because they are about to receive the final judgments of God. And those …