Do you want to be more like Christ? Do you want to develop a character that is ready for heaven? This sermon will unveil the best form of preparation. Auburn SDA Live Stream
By looking at the apostolic church we can get an accurate idea of God’s will. How did persecution effect the church and ministry. What is membership? What is God’s ideal for the church today? Auburn SDA Live Stream – January …
What does it mean to be a Christian? What is my personal responsibility in the great commission? Have I fulfilled my responsibility if I support the ministry through my money and my prayers? What is God’s ideal for my involvement …
Are New Year’s Resolutions a Biblical Concept? If not, what is the Christian way of approaching the New Year? What should we be focusing on as we turn a new leaf this year? Auburn SDA Live Stream – January 2, …
Does God really care about my physical health? Why does this matter to God? I’m not taking this physical body to heaven, so why should it matter? Let’s study God’s plan for whole-person health. Auburn SDA Live Stream – December …
Christmas Concert and Story Auburn SDA Live Stream – December 19, 2020
Usually, when someone wants to tell me about a new modern prophet, inside a say, “oh not again…” The world is filled with false prophets but what does the Bible teach about modern prophets in the last days?
We are “Adventist!” Why is the second coming so important to who we are as Christians? How can we make sure we are on the right side when He comes back? Auburn SDA Live Stream – December 5, 2020
The Bible repeatedly calls us to give God praise and Thanksgiving. This is one of the few holidays that is Bionically accurate. Let’s give God the thanksgiving that he deserves just like our forefathers.