February is National Children’s Dental Month. How can we help to create healthy smiles? Every February we take the opportunity to have a toothbrush campaign for the children at Auburn Elementary School. We are grateful that God has placed us …
February is National Children’s Dental Month. How can we help to create healthy smiles? Every February we take the opportunity to have a toothbrush campaign for the children at Auburn Elementary School. We are grateful that God has placed us …
Some of our members will be hosting the meeting from their home via zoom. Others will plan to host their meeting at the church so be sure to check the following schedule. ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION https://zoom.us/j/289863099?pwd=ekRLeEFsQllZd1J2bENoMnNtSHc4Zz09 Meeting ID: 289 863 …
F.F Roosevelt State Park 2970 GA-190Pine Mountain, GA 31822 $25 per Family Register with Dulce by Nov 22nd
This Sunday, Nov. 15th we are having a special fall festival to invite our church, friends, and community to have fun together. Among the games, treats and prizes, we are going to be advertising and signing people up for our …
Presented by the Georgia-Cumberland Conference Leads Program The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Since Covid-19 came on the scene, there has been a dramatic increase in people’s desire to know more about the Bible. The Bible Instructor …
Yes, you read that correctly. Auburn’s delightful kindergarten class is excited and highly motivated about their Goat Project. Each week the students have an opportunity to earn $1.00. $0.25 – for being on time for Sabbath School$0.25 – for studying …
It is that time of the year when we start making hats and scarves for the Auburn Elementary School. For those of you who crochet and knit and you would like to make some hats and scarves for the children, …
6:00 pm -8:00 pm A vesper program every Friday evening here at the church specifically for our high-school/college age group. Although, if there are those who are just “outside” of this age group, and fit the mentality of this generation, …
Oct 9-11, Chilhowee Campground Campground does not have an exact address but it takes about 3 hours to get there. Chilhowee Recreation Area 3174 Hwy 64Benton TN 423-338-3300 Link to Google maps location and information. Auburn church family will each …