Sunday August 27, 2023 from 3:00 to 6:00 PM Come and enjoy a fun filled water day and register for Adventurers and Pathfinders.
Free School Supplies for K – 5th GRADE This ministry is part of our evangelism outreach we do each year. Prayerfully consider what you can give to this campaign and mark your Tithe envelope, “Tiger Fund.” Your donation is tax …
Auburn SDA Community Outreach Our favorite part of the year has come and we have a great opportunity to serve and be part of our community in a very fun way. Previous years had proved this celebration as one of …
GET YOUR LIFE BACK! For our community, the Auburn SDA Church is hosting the Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program for the 4th time. We have found it to be extremely effective at significantly decreasing depression and anxiety or removing it …
Our Church will be co hosting a joint day of worship with Loganville Church where Dr. Eric Walsh will be invited to present a youth seminar for both divine service and AY. You are all invited!
Our theme this year is “Back to the Altar: Making a Place for God.” We invite you on a 10-day prayer journey to build, anew, your altar of personal worship. Let’s come together for a season of sharing and praying! …
1 in 3 Americans has diabetes or prediabetes. That doesn’t have to be your story. Dr. Wes Youngberg, diabetes expert and author of Goodbye Diabetes, and Brenda Davis, world-renown author and plant-based dietician, will guide you through a hope-filled 8-session video course to reverse …
We will be having our annual Christmas program during the church service. We invite you to join us with your friends & family!